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Date: Sat, 20 Aug 94 04:30:16 PDT
From: Ham-Equip Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-equip@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Equip Digest V94 #292
To: Ham-Equip
Ham-Equip Digest Sat, 20 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 292
Today's Topics:
Mods for the Standard C5718
Need Info on FT-470 MOD's
Symptoms - FT-470 Dead Lithium Battery
Tone board for a Santec ST-142
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu>
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Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Equip Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-equip".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 17 Aug 1994 23:43:02 GMT
From: eng.iac.honeywell.com!ws07.iac.honeywell.com!dphillips@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Mods for the Standard C5718
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Gee, this radio already has such excellent coverage, what is there to mod
other than out-of-band transmit ??
Dave Phillips | "Takeoffs are optional,
Phoenix, AZ, USA | Landings are mandatory,
dphillips@WS07.iac.honeywell.com | Pilot error is not an accident,
KB7JS | All airplanes have personalities."
Date: 17 Aug 1994 23:40:52 GMT
From: eng.iac.honeywell.com!ws07.iac.honeywell.com!dphillips@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Need Info on FT-470 MOD's
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I need some info on mods for the FT-470. I know that the
pads for R66, R67, R68 and R69 are used for assigning the VFH
band coverage.
What about the two pads just below R66. Should these have jumpers ? What do
they do ? Volume 6A ob the Radio Tech Mods manual shows these two jumpers
installed. The radio I have does not have them. It also doesn't work.
Anybody know the answer ?
Dave Phillips | "Takeoffs are optional,
Phoenix, AZ, USA | Landings are mandatory,
dphillips@WS07.iac.honeywell.com | Pilot error is not an accident,
KB7JS | All airplanes have personalities."
Date: 17 Aug 1994 23:41:48 GMT
From: eng.iac.honeywell.com!ws07.iac.honeywell.com!dphillips@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Symptoms - FT-470 Dead Lithium Battery
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Does anybody know the symptoms when the Lithium Battery in a FT-470
dies ?
Dave Phillips | "Takeoffs are optional,
Phoenix, AZ, USA | Landings are mandatory,
dphillips@WS07.iac.honeywell.com | Pilot error is not an accident,
KB7JS | All airplanes have personalities."
Date: 19 Aug 1994 04:21:11 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!geraldo.cc.utexas.edu!foghorn.cc.utexas.edu!kourt@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Tone board for a Santec ST-142
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Dave Sparks (davesparks@delphi.com) wrote:
: I have a 10+ year old Santec ST-142 2m HT. It still works pretty well. I
: bought it back when I was in the Civil Air Patrol, before I got my ham
I also have an ST 142 that was purchased for CAP. The tone board I have is
dip-switch controlled, but I don't remember the name of the manufacturer.
It seemed to me that this board was pretty easy to come by. I think I got it
from an old Dick Smith Electronics catalog. My $0.02
kourt de Haas
austin, TX
Date: 20 Aug 94 00:37:25 -0800
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!usc!nic-nac.CSU.net!vax.sonoma.edu!harrisok@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <320hbc$30j@news.tamu.edu>, <cgwh.61.00121036@chevron.com>, <w4qo.776830279@atl1>
Subject : Re: Yaseu FT470 like/dislike comments?
In article <w4qo.776830279@atl1>, w4qo@peach.america.net (James C. Stafford) writes:
> I have an FT470 and have had it for about 3 years. I love it. I live in
> a high rf environment and no inordinate amount of intermod. I have many
> friends who also have one and like theirs. They were closing them out at
> HRO for $295 here in Atlanta about 3 months ago. Haven't seen any new
> ones in the store since. For that price, I don't think they can be beat.
On Thursday I was at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco and happened to stop in
at one of the ripoff "will sell anything to anyone" no-name electronic stores
there. I found a FT-470 and asked the salesman how much it was. He told me it
was _only_ $530. Ha! I said nothing but broke out in laughter and walked out.
| Ken Harrison | I once thought I was wrong... |
| N6MHG | |
| harrisok@sonoma.edu | ...but I was mistaken. |
End of Ham-Equip Digest V94 #292